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2008 Indicator Analysis

Data Year


Report Published Indicator Analysis


Gas, Coal, Tantalum, Mineral sands, Titanium
Current EITI Status

Report Quality Analysis

Report Compiled by   Boas and Associates

EITI report   Download PDF

Company Payments


Government Receipts


GDP, 2008 BILLION $ source


Total Government Revenue (% of GDP)


Reported EI Revenue
(% of Total Revenue)


CommodityEITI Production VolumesUnitsIndep. Source Production VolumesUnitsPrice from EITI ReportPer UnitIndep. Reference PricePer UnitTotal Company PaymentsTotal Gov't ReceiptsNotes
m33,037,000,000m3 1
mt37,700mt 1
$/mt133.23$/mt 3$255,948$04
kg110,000kg 1
Mineral sands
m31,500,000m3 1
Titanium (Ilemite and Rutile) and Zircon
mt335,427mt 1
2 According to the Directorate of Mines, Sasol Petroleum produced 104,519,839.7 GJ of natural gas and 695,938 Bbj of condensed gas in 2008. Independent production figures differ - according to the EIA, Mozambique produced 117 billion cubic meters.
4 Vale, the only reporting coal company, had not yet begun production.
5 Rio Tinto, the only reporting company mining "heavy sands" or "mineral sands" had not yet begun production in 2008. Figures differ from company data sheet because here profit taxes are reported separately from "surface tax", which is captured in the "other receipts" column.
6 Production figures are for Ilmenite and Rutile concentrates of Titanium (see USGS Mozambique 2008 Minerals Yearbook p.31.6). According to the Directorate of Mines, Kenmare Moma Mining produced 140,515.2 tons of Ilmenite, 26,346.6 tons of Zircon and 8,782.2 tons of Rutile in 2008.
   EITI report failed to provide this commodity-specific data.

Report Quality Indicators

1. Regularity

a) score.50 
b) total reports / implementing years1/2 

2. Timeliness

Lag between fiscal year of data and publication year.3 

3. Materiality

Report clearly defines a materiality threshold.Yes Companies were required to report if relevant payments amounted to 1,500,000.00MT in 2008.

4. Data Reliability

Report contains audited data from:  
a) companiesNo  
b) governmentNo  

5. Coverage

Revenue data includes the following revenue streams:  
a) royaltiesYes  
b) taxesYes 
c) surface, rental or license feesYes 
d) bonusesNo  
e) state-owned enterprise (SOE) paymentsYes Includes payments made by Companhia Mocambicana de Hidrocarbentos, 70% owned by the national oil/gas company, 20% owned by the government, and 10% private. However, the national oil/gas company itself is not included.
f) Report covers all extractive sector companies.No Of the 23 extractive companies, only 6 (those in the production phase with organized accounting systems) received reporting templates. 6/6 reported.
g) Report states the price of any product received or sold by government.No  
h) Report states the quantity of resources produced.Yes  

6. Discrepancies

Report contains:  
a) information on the cause of revenue discrepancies.Yes  
b) reconciled data following the correction of discrepancies.No  

7. SOE Revenue Flow

SOE Revenue Flow data is clearly explained in the report.No Revenue flows of the national oil/gas company (Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos) are not included.

8. Disaggregation

Report provides financial data on individual:  
a) companiesYes  
b) revenue streamsYes  
c) projectsNo Some information on individual products, but no project-by-project revenue data.
d) commoditiesNo Revenues by sector (gas or mining) only. Some disaggregation by commodity is possible where a company is the only producer of a certain mineral.

9. Comprehensibility

Report contains:  
a) a summary with key findings and revenue totalsYes 
b) clear indication of what currencies and units of measurement are used Yes 
c) written explanation of key findings and recommendationsYes  
d) a clear definition of termsYes  

10. Accessibility

Report is available:  
a) in at least one official languageYes  
b) on a government websiteYes 

Related Indicators

Revenue Watch Index, N/AN/A 
Corruption Perception Index, 2010 116/178 
Open Budget Survey, 201028 

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